Baby/Toddler Natural Remedies for Congestion/Coughing

Honey – A spoonful of honey acts like cough syrup. We buy the small pixie sticks of honey from farmer markets and have Zoey suck half of it before bed and even in the middle of the night if shes coughing badly.

Johnson’s Soothing Vapor Bath – We run a warm bath with this for Zoey and it helps all the snot run out of her nose during bath time.

  • Tips: Be sure to close the door and seal any air from the outside with clothes or towels to keep the moisture in the room.

Steamed Shower – My husband loves to take hot showers so I would have him take his shower while Zoey and I sit on the toilet inhaling the steam until he was done.

  • Tips: Be sure to close the door and seal any air from the outside with clothes or towels to keep the moisture in the room.

Nighttime or Morning Mist – Believe it or not but some nights or mornings strolls are great for the baby. Notice the dew on leaves or in the air? The doctor said outside can be a great steam room that can help with congestion.

Little Remedies Saline Spray/Drops – This is a life saver. We do this as often as we can if Zoey is coughing or having a hard time breathing through her nose.

  • Tips on how to get your child to do it when they’re older? We make it fun. Zoey is two now so she can really fight so my husband does the nasal spray to himself first and then I do it to myself. We have Zoey hold it in her nose and we squeeze quickly! As soon as she makes a face, we make a face and laugh and say, “wasn’t that fun, let do the other nose real quick!” Not sure if this works for other kids but it worked for us.

Nose Frida – This is also the best investment ever! It literally sucks everything out of your baby’s nose.

  • Best time to do it?
    • After the Saline Spray/Drops
    • After a warm bath

Vicks Baby Rub – I run this on my baby’s feet, back and chest every night before she goes to bed.